Ardra star trek


Those adversaries should logically have been able to do the exact same things as did Ardra in roughly the same amount of time or less. Again, Star Trek's narratives always depend upon the antagonist being able to do what the narrative requires of them to endanger the Enterprise.

She died on May 8, 2018 in Los Angeles, California, USA. See full bio » Ardra According to the theology of Ventax II, Ardra was a mythic being from the distant past who promised the population a thousand years of prosperity, followed by enslavement upon her return at the end of that epoch. Ardra was a female con artist and member of the Circle of Jilaan, who impersonated the Ventaxian mythological figure Ardra. Ardra was a devil -like figure in Ventaxian culture. The Ventaxian people considered it bad luck to say her name out loud. During the 14th century, the planet Ventax II faced a number of crises, including war, and pollution. Ardra is a mysterious Star Trek character from The Next Generation's episode 'Devils Due.' Over a thousand years ago the planet Ventax II was rocked with civil unrest, pollution, murder and mayhem. We know from Captain Picard 's chat with Leader Jared that Ardra delivered the population peace and prosperity except theres a catch.

Ardra star trek

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Investigation by Enterprise-D personnel determined, however, that this person was a con aartist using various technological tricks to simulate Ventaxian prophecy. ("Devil's Due) from the Star Trek Encyclopedia Ardra performs her illusions to convince Data that she is the claimant named in the ancient contract. Picard points out, by questioning Jared about his planet's peace and prosperity when they initiated sweeping reforms a thousand years before. But when Ardra confronts the frightened Jared, he still maintains that she has claim to the planet.

Mar 31, 2012 · Ardra is a mysterious Star Trek character from The Next Generation's episode 'Devils Due.' Over a thousand years ago the planet Ventax II was rocked with civil unrest, pollution, murder and mayhem. We know from Captain Picard 's chat with Leader Jared that Ardra delivered the population peace and prosperity except theres a catch.

Ardra star trek

Discussion in ' Star Trek: The Next Generation ' started by The Rock , Oct 10, 2020 . Several years ago, Acost Jared, the Ventaxian head of state, began to grow increasingly obsessed with the legend of Ardra.

Ardra star trek

Jul 26, 2014 Rarely since the second season had Star Trek: The Next Generation And now, a woman claiming to be Ardra, and wielding powerful abilities, 

Ardra star trek

In 2367, a female con artist took the identity of Ardra in a failed attempt to take control of the planet.

While answering a distress call, Picard finds himself not sure of exactly who he is dealing with, but he's sure he's not dealing with the planet's version of the Devil, as she claims to be. Signature . Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license for. Several years ago, Acost Jared, the Ventaxian head of state, began to grow increasingly obsessed with the legend of Ardra. With each passing day, he grew more anxious, and he talked about little else.

May 08, 2015 · Revisiting Star Trek TNG: Devil’s Due; Reviews Revisiting Star Trek TNG: Devil’s Due. That night, Ardra appears in Picard’s room and attempts to seduce him but he rejects her advances Well, Ardra tempting Picard with Troi was just further evidence that she was no God or devil, thus predictably falling into the trap that all men must want teh boobies. I liked this episode. It was a fun outing and it rang true with TNG's and Roddenberry's stated atheist message which I always fully supported. Ardra is the name of a nákṣatra in Hindu astrology, the sixth depending on numbering scheme used.

In response to Ardra's parlor tricks, spineless Ventaxian bureaucrat Jared (Marcelo Tubert) is prepared to hand over the keys to the planet. if you like this project please hit the like button, leave a comment, subscribe to the channel or join in the blog or on facebook Apollo was an antagonist in the original Star Trek television series, encountered by the legendary Captain Kirk and his crew this powerful being was an alien who was once worshipped as a god (becoming the basis for Greek mythology) - in time humanity would outgrow the need for the alien "gods" and Apollo, alongside others of his kind, left to a new world. Yet even as the rest of his species When you think about it, Crispin made her life writing fanfic. She went on to write original sci-fi/fantasy stuff too, but her name will always live on in the worlds of Star Trek, Star Wars, and "V" for her book tie-ins to the movies and television shows. This novel--which really was a piece of terrific fanfic- … Well, Ardra tempting Picard with Troi was just further evidence that she was no God or devil, thus predictably falling into the trap that all men must want teh boobies. I liked this episode.

Ardra is a version of Ardra from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Devil's Due" (4x13) . A legendary devil-figure on Ventax II, a con artist impersonated her in order to take control of the planet. Ardra was a female con artist and member of the Circle of Jilaan, who impersonated the Ventaxian mythological figure Ardra. Ardra was a devil-like figure in Ventaxian culture. Star Trek and related marks © CBS Television and Paramount. Marta DuBois as Ardra STAR TREK TNG Autograph Card Auto . $8.99.

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Star Trek Timelines. · Ap----r---i--l 30-,-- It also includes Yarnek, Trelane, Ardra, Marshal of France Q, and the M-113 Creature. 63. 20 Comments. 2 Shares.

Picard points out, by questioning Jared about his planet's peace and prosperity when they initiated sweeping reforms a thousand years before. But when Ardra confronts the frightened Jared, he still maintains that she has claim to the planet. Ardra may refer to: . Ardra (nakshatra), a nakshatra (lunar mansion) in Hindu astrology Great Ardra, a former West African kingdom; Ardra, the villain in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Devil's Due"; Ardra, a continent in the video game War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius; Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis, a molecular biology technique In "Devil's Due" from "Star Trek: The Next Generation," Captain Picard has caught the eye of a con artist stylizing herself as "Ardra," who's laid claim to an entire planet and the starship Enterprise. Podle ventaxanské pověsti se Ardra zjevila před tisíci lety a uzavřela s Ventaxany smlouvu: slíbila jim, že jim poskytne tisíc let míru a prosperity, pak že se vrátí a zotročí si je. Podle mytologie měly její návrat provázet "otřesy měst" a jiné nenormální jevy.