Btc-e api
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From there, we're dividing the data into "bid" and "ask" data. In case you do not know, a "bid" is an offer to buy and an "ask" is an offer to sell. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. API calls affected are: Get Unspent Tx, Get Received Tx, and Get Spent Tx. These API calls now return a maximum of 100 unconfirmed transactions as well. Minor change: price API (Realtime and REST) asked for an optional 'base_currency' parameter, but it read 'base_pair.' This is fixed. See the changes in the appropriate API. BTC-E API implementation (in progress). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
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btc-e trading api. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
market.api.query.btce(url, key, secret, req = list(), verbose = getOption("Rbitcoin.verbose", 0)) Examples. application/json { "e": "currency_limits", "ok": "ok", "data": { "pairs": [ { " symbol1": "BTC", "symbol2": "USD", "pricePrec market.api.query - launch query on market's API ( bitstamp , btce , kraken , bitmarket ).
Custom API. Planning to Build Your Own Bot/Strategy? Charge Your Bot With Our Data. What data do we offer? Trading Data [5 Minute, 15 Minute, 30 Minute, 1 Hour, 4 Hour and 1 Day]
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. is down. You can use this page to delete your old API keys. We will remove this page soon.
The TradeAPI class in the btceapi module accesses the trading API, and requires a KeyHandler object. The KeyHandler manages your API key and secret values (found under "API Keys" on the Profile page), stored in a text file. For instructions on creating this text file, please see step 9 here: 3 Apr 2014: BTC-e changed their api url, this caused the script to stop working. This update will solve the issue. Welcome to the BitcoinAverage API! The world's best and longest running Cryptocurrency price API provider. These APIs can be used to gather real-time, OHLC, volume and historical price data for the following Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dash (DASH), Ripple (XRP), Monero (XMR) plus many more.
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. is a Bitcoin Trading site that provides an API to make trades, get transaction history, etc. I’ve written a Google Apps Script that uses this BTC-e Trade API. As well as seeing the script itself by clicking on the link, I’ve created a simple web app that can do a “getInfo” and a “TransHistory” query. BTC-E API and determining volume for any time interval. 1. How to get a single value in BTC-e API. 1. Why is there no decentralized Bitcoin trading API? is down.
Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace. =BTC,ETH For example a function like this would get columns A, C, and E: Join the world's most comprehensive and secure trading platform for beginners and pros. Buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and other cryptocurrencies. The financial data that you can access through the API differs based on your plan. einteger.
В … btce-api. NOTE: Due to the apparent closure of BTC-e, this repository is no longer being maintained. If BTC-e returns, I may resume maintenance. This library provides a wrapper (hopefully a convenient one) around the public and trading APIs of the exchange site. Берет данные непосредственно с биржи, используя публичный API для доступа к глубине рынка. В отличие от FineDepth , работает медленней, т.к. скрипту необходимо вытягивать данные, и это может занимать сравнительно Получайте цены криптовалют, обзор рынка и анализ, рыночную капитализацию криптовалют, объем торгов и многое другое.
По состоянию на март 2014 года занимала третье In this tutorial, you are shown how to use Python to communicate with a bitcoin trade API. In this case, we are using BTC-e's Trade API, though the trade API clj-btc-e-api. Clojure library for api. Raffinate/clj-btc-e-api; cljdoc; 130 Downloads; 41 This Version; Leiningen/Boot [clj-btc-e-api "0.1.1"] api_sign - хеш SHA256 от тела POST запроса с добавлением приватного ключа в конце, см. выше.
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BTC-e Code Samples by BTC-e BTC-e is a cryptocurrency business in which clients can trade Bitcoins, Litecoins, and Namecoins for Dollars, Euros, and Rubles. Code samples are available on C#, C++, Java, Objective-C, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.Net. List of methods for the API include parameters for TransHistory, TradeHistory, ActiveOrders, Trade, and CancelOrder.
What data do we offer? Trading Data [5 Minute, 15 Minute, 30 Minute, 1 Hour, 4 Hour and 1 Day] Betting is locked on your account. Click the link in the email or use 2FA to unlock it. Unlock for Python wrapper around the public and trading APIs of - CodeReclaimers/btce-api.